Canon MP20DHIII 12 Digit Heavy Duty Hi-Speed Printout Calculator * DISCONTINUED *
Alternative Canon P-29D IV
The MP20DH III will suit anyone requiring heavy duty printing. This 12 digit calculator has all the great features plus a large spacious keyboard for improved accuracy, fast printing at 4.1 lines per second and a easy to read gloview display.
12 Month Return to Base Warranty
Powersource: AC - no need for batteries or adaptors
12 Digit, 2 colour fluorescent display to distinguish positive and negative numbers
2 colour printout, item count function
Tax and business calculation
Decimal positions: +,2,3,4,6,F
Non-add function allows inputs of dates and serial numbers
Print speed 4.1 lines/second on standard 57mm wide plain paper
Alternative Canon P-29D IV
The MP20DH III will suit anyone requiring heavy duty printing. This 12 digit calculator has all the great features plus a large spacious keyboard for improved accuracy, fast printing at 4.1 lines per second and a easy to read gloview display.WARRANTY
12 Month Return to Base WarrantyFEATURES